In our February challenge, we want you to embrace vibrant colors. This month’s challenge is: Vibrant.

Your task: Take a photo with strong, bright colors.

Vibrant photography uses color, rather than contrast, to make the picture “pop”. Vibrant images usually have a spectrum of colors that work together in an almost harmonious manner. The colors are usually neon, pastel, or just bright standard colors. The stronger the color, the louder it shouts. And we want your pictures to stand out. But you should be careful not to confuse vibrant images with oversaturated images – there is a clear difference. To create a good vibrant picture you should pay attention that the colors you are including in your photo do not compete with each other for attention, but contribute to a well-balanced composition.

One way of creating a vibrant photograph is to select a subject in which one particular color completely dominates the scene. This can be achieved in many ways: by a careful choice of viewpoint, the way in which the image is framed, etc. You can also use contrasting colors to create vibrant images. The most striking effect will be created when just two colors from opposite sides of the color spectrum are included in the image, such as red against green, or orange against purple. Nature is filled with stunning colors you just need to open your eyes. There are also many locations that are bull of buildings or street art that are perfect for the topic.

Now it’s your turn to create a vibrant photo. Remember to have fun and experiment!



Mach Mit!

Share your Vibrant images with us and the community. Post your pictures on Instagram using the hashtags #InspiraclesVibrant and #InspiraclesCommunity with every post. This will help us find your picture. We will feature some of the images on our blog and on Instagram. Make sure you’re also following us on Instagram. The deadline for #InspiraclesVibrant is February 28th, 2022. We are looking forward to your submissions!

Read more: Inspiracles Challenge – January 2022 – Abstract

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