Getting to know how your camera works and what are the best settings for creating stylistic techniques of blurred background. This month’s challenge is: Bokeh.
Your task: Bring style to your photos with bokeh backgrounds.
What bokeh really is? Taken from a Japanese word for “blur,” bokeh has become a photography jargon used to describe how a lens renders a background that’s out of focus. Whether you’re a professional photographer, an amateur, or simply a photo enthusiast you must have encountered images with dreamy, eye-catching, and even otherworldly blurry backgrounds.
The secret to getting beautiful bokeh is using a lens that has an aperture of at least f/2.8. Even though phone cameras are getting better each day they still can’t match a DSLR in bokeh photography (but you can show us your phone bokeh images and prove us wrong). Aside from a good lens to achieve beautiful bokeh you need to choose the right background. Shooting on plain backgrounds will not create good bokeh because there’s just nothing much going on visually. Try finding elements like light orbs or soft textures and patterns to place in your image for achieving the best bokeh results. From our experience, the perfect places for bokeh are in urban locations with lights from buildings and street lights providing interesting visual components for your background. But don’t limit yourself with background bokeh as the term applies to the foreground as well.
Now it’s your turn! Creating bokeh photos requires repetition and study. With practice, bokeh gives you more control over your photos when you’re taking them, as well as in your editing software. Show us your bokeh images and don’t forget to use the #InspiraclesBokeh hashtag so that we can find your photo!
Take part!
Share your Bokeh images with us and the community. Post your pictures on Instagram using the hashtags #InspiraclesBokeh and #InspiraclesCommunity with every post. This will help us find your picture. We will feature some of the images on our blog and on Instagram. Make sure you’re also following us on Instagram The deadline for #InspiraclesBokeh is August 31st, 2022. We are looking forward to your submissions!
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