In a chaotic world and December holiday craziness, we want to challenge you to take a moment, pause, and look for simple things and joys in life. This month’s challenge is Simplicity.
Your task: Keep things simple.
Simplicity is all about capturing the essence of your subject and transferring your message to the viewers’ eyes effortlessly by excluding useless details. In the most basic sense, a simple photograph is one that includes only a few compositional shapes and only a few colors. There are several methods to achieve simplicity in photography. The most obvious one is to shoot against neutral backgrounds such as a single-color backdrop, a landscape covered in white snow, or a sky. Another method is to defocus the background and focus solely on your subject. You can also create a simple composition by zooming in on part of your subject and focusing on a particular detail.
You can look for simple lines, shapes, and colors anywhere around you – in nature as well as in an urban environment, indoor or outdoor. Training your eyes to look for simple scenes can be a great exercise. You will learn to get rid of unnecessary distractions and find order in distracting scenes.
Now it’s your turn to focus on clean aesthetics, strong lines, bold colors, and simple design and show us your best images.
Join in!
Take a picture with a clean, minimal, and simple frame. Share your Simplicity images with us and the community. Use the hashtag #InspiraclesSimplicity on Instagram or in our Facebook group at
Use the hashtags #InspiraclesSimplicity and #InspiraclesCommunity with every post. This will help us find your picture. The best pictures will be featured on our Instagram page and also here on the blog. The image with the most likes in our Facebook group will also become the group’s cover image for one month. The deadline for #InspiraclesSimplicity is December 31st, 2021. (The winner will be announced by the 5th of January.) We are looking forward to your submissions!
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