After a long winter, we believe that everyone living in the Northern Hemisphere is excited that Spring is finally here. Everything around you is more colorful, lively, and blooming! It’s the perfect time to celebrate the nice weather with some good-looking flowers. This month’s challenge is: Bloom.
Your task: Take a picture of blooming flowers and trees.
Most photographers like taking pictures of flowers. They are photogenic subjects and it’s an effective way to get better at any photography skills. But flower photography doesn’t necessarily have to mean novice photography. It can be challenging to get creative with such a widely used subject. If you want your bloom photos to look interesting you have to play around with composition, lighting, and depth of field.
Images of the flowers can be very unique – from a sunny photo of flower fields to a gloomy shot of a dried rose at your vase. It’s up to you to decide what moods you want to illustrate through creative flower photography. In flower photography framing is everything. Adjusting your position even just a few degrees can make a whole lot of difference. You can always use lenses that will allow you to shoot with a shallow depth of field. That way you will bring focus to the beauty of your flower. Or play around and frame your main subject with flowers or fallen petals near the edge of the lens. Maybe use a spray bottle to add water droplets and some drama to your shoot. Or if you have a macro lens use it to capture the true essence of your blooms.
Now it’s your turn! We are eager to see all the creative ways you will come up with for capturing your Bloom photos. Will you play with depth of field, will you use macro lenses, will you look for unusual shapes, sizes, and colors that nature created, use bold techniques like flowers emerging from the dark, or will you play around with so many available genres and use blooms as props. Let your inspiration run wild and don’t forget to use #InspiraclesBloom hashtag so that we can find your photo!
Take part!
Share your Bloom images with us and the community. Post your pictures on Instagram using the hashtags #InspiraclesBloom and #InspiraclesCommunity with every post. This will help us find your picture. We will feature some of the images on our blog and on Instagram. Make sure you’re also following us on Instagram The deadline for #InspiraclesBloom is April 30th, 2022. We are looking forward to your submissions!
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