In April, once again a color plays the leading role in our challenge. It will get bright, as the challenge, this time is called: White.  


Your Task: Take photos of white things

For our challenge “White” your picture should not just be completely white, that would be much too simple! Much more, the color white should play an important role in your image. However, it may be extended by other colors or simply serve as a background for your subject and for other colors. You can find white everywhere, it is just sometimes not so obvious. In architecture, for example, white often appears. You can also play with minimalism and abstraction by using clean lines. If you experiment with the exposure of your camera, the sky or a light source will quickly turn white. However, don’t just try to create an overexposed image.  




Take part!

Photograph a subject that contains a lot of white. Share your images related to the topic “White” with us and the community. Use the hashtag #InspiraclesWhite on Instagram or Facebook.

Use the hashtags #InspiraclesWhite and #InspiraclesCommunity with every post. This will help us find your image again. The best pictures will then be shown on our Instagram page and featured here on the blog. The deadline for #InspiraclesWhite is 30.04.2021. We are looking forward to your submissions!  

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